Hyped-To-Be-Here Travel Hacks
Hyped-To-Be-Here Travel Hacks
1. Unless you’re travelling with only a carry on, you definitely want to go directly to baggage claim and get your bags. It’s mind blowing how many people are more interested in talking to friends they didn’t sit next to on the flight than getting their belongings from baggage claim. If you get there quick enough, you’ll be quick to get your bags and quick to get your car/bus/shuttle/uber and be on your way rather than waiting with the rest of the crowd.
2. Being in a foreign country is difficult, and sometimes confusing. You contemplate exchanging your money in your origin airport, versus your destination airport. But what if I told you it’s actually better to do neither? ATMs in the country you are going to (which you will come across) are the best to get your foreign (or local, at this point) currency. Exchanging money in the airport will never get you the best bang for your buck. In fact, as close to the real exchange rate you can get, these local ATMs will do you better.Exchanging in airports have fees and not as great rates of exchange which is always better to avoid if possible. ATMs will always dispense local currency, of course, so you definitely will need your debit/credit card to receive this money.
3. Being from the United States of America, I’ve come across my fair share of websites which allow you to be up to date on things to do or restaurants to eat at. While travelling domestically throughout America, i advise having Yelp downloaded. Not only is yelp great for travellers, it is also great for locals — and what is (close to) the number 1 rule for travelling? Do as the locals do (this will ensure you’re going to places you won’t feel you’re getting ripped off at, and in other scenarios will ensure you’re not offending or disrespecting the locals. If you’ve ever seen that Logan Paul YouTube video of himself in Japan, you’ll understand what I mean entirely).
4. Now I am allllllll for exploring and eating at new restaurants I come across which look appealing. Who isn’t? Who doesn’t love food!? However, if you’re on a budget as I normally am, buying groceries is a way to ensure you’re saving some money. Many hotels (and almost every single hostel) you come across will have a communal kitchen or area in your room/suite for you to cook in. Instead of spending €15 three times a day on meals, try instead cooking your breakfast and packing a light lunch to hold you over until you go to a restaurant for dinner!
5. If you’re in a hotel, your room will have a dresser and closet. Do not unpack your suitcase. Take out your necessities — your clothes for tomorrow, your pajamas to sleep in, your items to shower with.Unpacking completely is a good way to ensure you’ll forget something when you’re packing up your room to leave. Living out of your suitcase isn’t a crazy luxury, but you can at least be sure you’re spending minimal time packing and looking for your items.